Online Resources
Midwives & Out of Hospital Birth
Midwives Alliance of North America “What is a Midwife?”
General information about midwifery in the United States. What midwives are and what makes midwifery care different and special.
Midwives Alliance of North America Research
Great resource for quality research done on planned out-of-hospital births attended by midwives, as well as information on things to consider when evaluating the quality of research in this area.
Midwives Association of Washington State Clinical Guidelines
Clinical guidelines we follow, written and distributed by our state midwifery organization.
Midwives Association of Washington State Indications for Discussion, Consultation and Transfer
Detailed document outlining under what circumstances we as licensed midwives seek outside perspective in our client’s care. This can be through discussions with other professionals, having our clients consult or transfer care to a higher level provider.
Perinatal or neonatal mortality among women who intend at the onset of labour to give birth at home compared to women of low obstetrical risk who intend to give birth in hospital: A systematic review and meta-analyses
Systematic review and meta-analysis of safety of home birth for both the birthing person and baby published by The Lancet.
Planned Home Birth: Benefits, Risks, and Opportunities
International Journal for Women’s Health research article on benefits and risks of home birth.
Birth Outcomes for Planned Home and Licensed Freestanding Birth Center Births in Washington State
Research published in Obstetrics & Gynecology comparing planned home birth and birth center birth outcomes to countries with integrated midwifery systems such as the UK, Netherlands and Canada.
Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum
Evidence Based Birth
Well researched, unbiased articles that tackle a variety of topics surrounding pregnancy, birth and postpartum procedures and choices.
The Last Days of Pregnancy
Lovely article in Mothering Magazine that touches on the challenges as well as the beauty of the last few days/weeks of pregnancy.
The Miles Circuit
Here you will find directions for The “Miles Circuit” which is a “simple three move series to help give your baby the space to get in a good position for birth.” This is great for late pregnancy, labor encouragement as well as in labor.
Aviva Romm
Aviva Romm is an “MD-midwife-herbalist, bridging the best of traditional wisdom and modern medicine for women’s and children’s health.” Her website is a great source for various information surrounding pregnancy and birth. We especially love her info on the bodies microbiome and recommendations for a healthy vaginal flora.
Birth For Every Body
Deep resource for midwives, birthing parents as well as all people interested in deepening their understanding of LGBTQ rights and challenges around childbearing and parenting.
Birth for the People
Formerly Puget Sound Birth Professionals of Color. “A networking resource that links POC families to birth services by providers of color. Birth for the People is a directory of midwives, doulas, herbalists, lactation specialists, fertility specialists, childbirth educators, perinatal mental health specialists, birth photographers and other birth workers of color in the Puget Sound region.”
4th Trimester Bodies Project
“Documentary and movement dedicated to educating, embracing and empowering humans through photographs and story telling. We exist for parents and postpartum people. We are body liberating, queer affirming, anti-racist, and inclusive.”
Port Townsend Marine Science Center Guide to Toxics
Especially important handout for any pregnant person or parent. Learn about toxics we are exposed to in our daily life- their effects as well as reasonable alternatives.
More Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum
Cochran Collaboration
“The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) is the leading journal and database for systematic reviews in health care. CDSR includes Cochrane Reviews (systematic reviews) and protocols for Cochrane Reviews as well as editorials and supplements. CDSR is owned and produced by Cochrane, a global, independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers, and people interested in health.”
The Importance of Black Midwives Then, Now and Tomorrow
Article written by Lamaze International during Black History Month to celebrate and honor the importance of black midwives. Includes wonderful resources at the end of the article.
Kelly Mom
Great resource for all things breastfeeding. Written by an IBCLC and includes many tips and tricks for the various challenges that arise during a nursing relationship.
Peninsula Birth Network
Database for locating many different resources associated with pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, acupuncturists, massage therapists, support groups etc. It is specific to the Kitsap Peninsula, though many of the midiwives and doulas also serve Jefferson County.
VBAC Facts
Supportive and incredibly informative resource for families interested in or planning to have a VBAC (Vaginal birth after cesarean).
"Birth Becomes Her” Birth Videos
Collection of beautifully curated birth videos.
Birth Time
Award winning beautiful documentary discussing the disparities in maternity care and rampant nature of birth trauma. As well as highlight the differences in and benefits of midwifery care.
Birth Videos for Sibling Prep
Set of 6 videos that are appropriate for preparing siblings to be present at the birth of the new family member. Curated by Mothering Magazine.
All-Options is a talkline that offers no cost, judgement free peer counseling to callers on topics such as abortion, adoption, infertility, pregnancy, parenting and pregnancy loss. 1-888-493-0092