The postpartum period is a place where midwifery care truly shines
It is so important to give appropriate time and attention to this highly sensitive and vulnerable transition. Both in number and length of visits as well as topics covered we give more. I view this as a significant role in the postpartum period., both helping you set up your support team as well as being a part of it.
**Please note that I also offer postpartum and newborn care to clients who were in our care during their pregnancy but birthed in the hospital, either planned or through transfer in labor.**
Peninsula midwives will provide routine newborn care for your baby for the first 2 weeks after birth when care is handed off care to your healthcare provider of choice. All pertinent medical records will be sent to provider for continued care. During these visits you can expect:
All standard newborn screens will be available and conveniently performed during your scheduled visits including—Critical congenital heart defect screen, Newborn “metabolic” screen and hearing screen. Referrals to specialists will be made as appropriate.
Newborn weight checks
Vitals checks
Jaundice assessment
Latch assessment, including thorough examination for restrictive tethered oral tissue (tongue/lip tie). Extra lactation visits as needed
Mother/Birthing Parent
The postpartum care for you covers 6-8 weeks after birth. The visit schedule is as follows—two home visits in the first 5 days followed by clinic visits at 10-14 days, 3-4 weeks and a final visit at 6-8 weeks. During these visits you can expect:
Extensive breastfeeding support and counseling
Vitals checks
Discussion and education around normal postpartum changes and challenges
Spaciousness to discuss your emotional and psychological well-being and adjustment
Education around normal newborn care and common questions/concerns
Blood or urine lab work as indicated
Pelvic and pap smear as clinically appropriate and desired will be performed at final visit

“I had Peninsula Midwives for my prenatal care and a planned c-section. Postpartum was hard. At first baby would not gain weight. Peninsula Midwives was very helpful in helping us figure this out and knew what to do to get us on the right track.”